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To be able to use technology in new and imaginative ways whilst collaborating and becoming problem-solvers in an ever-changing technological world. 


The Computing curriculum at North Worcester provides children with the necessary skills and understanding to become creative problem solvers, through a range of different technical mediums. 

At North Worcester we want to spark and encourage pupils’ curiosity, enabling them to be digitally literate, using a variety of hardware and software to collaborate, present and become critical thinkers. 

Our curriculum is rooted around the Sustainable Development Goals and enables pupils to use technology to transform their understanding, by enabling all pupils to become lifelong learners by ensuring sufficient knowledge and skills for their future. Creating a society of competent and responsible global citizens who can use technology in new and imaginative ways. We teach the importance of online safety, enabling all pupils to become more acutely aware of the importance of using the internet safely and appropriately. 

All learners progress, regardless of their starting point. The curriculum builds on prior knowledge, experience, and skills, in order to extend and develop children both creatively and through digital thinking.  


Our curriculum is carefully structured to develop pupils’ computational thinking. Concepts and approaches are developed through a variety of unplugged [without a computer], screen or physical activities. Computing lessons are taught weekly to embed technology as a tool, enhancing pupils’ learning across the breadth of the curriculum.

Our curriculum is comprised of three key areas of study: Computer Science; Digital Literacy and Information Technology. Time is spent teaching the importance of online safety from Key Stage 1 (KS1) through to Key Stage 2 (KS2). When children leave NWPA, they have a balanced understanding of their digital footprint and effects on their mental health and safety online. 

Our curriculum is a progressive curriculum that frequently returns to prior learning in order to build and deepen skills and knowledge. Pupils begin their journey in Computing by writing and following basic algorithms, leading to programming robots around mazes and eventually in KS2, coding Maths quizzes and computer programming. Pupils are encouraged to develop key computational thinking strategies such as tinkering, decomposition and debugging to ensure they are digital thinkers and can apply these skills across the breadth of the curriculum.  

Pupils also study the hardware components of devices and how simple networks work. Information Technology units are designed for pupils to solve problems with the aid of technology, for instance, designing a new playground, making a story come to life through animation, editing images and audio for a meaningful purpose. Pupils leave North Worcester with a variety of skills across devices to enable them to make the appropriate choices when deciding how to present or solve problems, with the aid of information technology.  

Throughout the school, pupils will learn to be responsible users of technology, to engage and thrive in the digital world. Online safety is embedded in lessons, class assemblies and e-safety days. Pupils from EYFS to Year 6 are taught the underpinning knowledge and behaviours to be discerning users of technology so that they can be critical thinkers and responsible citizens who can tackle the ever-changing world.  


Our curriculum ensures that when children leave North Worcester, they are competent and safe users of ICT with an understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be creative in using digital media, to be best equipped to apply their skills in Computing to different challenges throughout their lives.